Pool Safety Devices
As the weather continues to warm up and swimming pools are getting heavy use, it is time to talk pool safety.
We can all agree that we want our swimming pools to be as safe as possible; not only to protect our children but also to protect the neighborhood children.
Having layers of protection is the best way to ensure a safe swimming pool (outside of adult supervision). A swimming pool owner should consider using the following layers of protection:
Fence – Fences are required around swimming pools within the City of Denton. The fence must be 5’ in height with gaps no larger than 4”. The gates must be self-closing and self-latching with the latch at least 54” from the ground. We suggest that you check with your local municipality to determine what is required in your area. It is also important that you check your fence periodically to ensure that it still meets code. Removable fencing is sometimes used immediately around the pool as extra protection.
Door Alarms – Door alarms provide an important layer of protection in pool safety. Many accidents occur when a child walks unseen out of a back door. The few seconds that it takes for someone to get from the house to the pool is crucial to accident prevention. Alarming doors that lead to the pool is the answer. These door alarms are available at building suppliers.
Pool Alarms – In-pool alarms have been used for many years in swimming pools. Basically the way they work is that they use wave action to trigger an alarm, with the thought that if a child enters the pool it creates movement which sounds the alarm.
Safety Pool Covers – Safety pool covers are constructed of a mesh material and are deck anchored to provide a secure anchor. They are strong enough to hold a child or pet.
Life Buoy/Shepherd’s Hook – It is always a good idea to have life-saving devices such as a life buoy and shepherd’s hook.
Pool safety is no accident. It takes careful planning and layers of protection. Nothing replaces the protection of constant supervision, but you will have peace of mind knowing that you have equipped your pool with the appropriate safety features.
Gohlke Pools will be glad to help you with your pool safety needs.