Juan Pablo Alzate

Juan Pablo Alzate
Hot Tub Consultant
What are your hobbies?
Play guitar, listen to music, read, and try new food.
What is your most interesting accomplishment?
Went to La Alhambra in my early 20s.
What is a movie or TV show you could watch over and over?
The Walking Dead
What is a typical work day like for you?
My job is to be the bridge between the client and our hot tub products and services. I ensure we meet our clients’ expectations by dotting all i’s and crossing all t’s for the clients and my coworkers. I always try to greet everyone in the morning and afternoon and then make sure the next day will be better.
Why do you like working for Gohlke Pools?
It’s a business that is native to Denton, family owned and operated. It’s cool to be able to provide a level of care you expect from a business like Gohlke Pools.
What certifications do you have?
Certified Pool Operator, Sundance Certified Technician, Sundance Sales Professional
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