Gohlke Pools Blog
Enjoy your Pool 10 Months of the Year with a Pool Heater
Summer seems to be hanging on longer than most of us would like for it to, as we are having unseasonably warm weather. In addition, our last rain was on September 25th, which is alarming because October is typically our second wettest month. There have only been two Octobers in which we did not received any measurable rainfall—1924 & 1975. Looking at the 10-day forecast, it appears that we … [Read more...] about Enjoy your Pool 10 Months of the Year with a Pool Heater
Hot Tub Purchasing Tips
Hot tubs have continued to increase in popularity in recent years. There are many reasons for this recent trend, such as: With that being said, purchasing a hot tub can be fairly complicated—especially with the differences in quality and price that are currently in the marketplace. In order to help simplify it, we have put together answers to some of the most common questions about hot tub … [Read more...] about Hot Tub Purchasing Tips
Fall is a Great Time to Enjoy the Pool
Now that we are approaching the official end of summer (September 22nd), it is a good time to look back at how hot it has been. Looking at the long range forecast, it appears that we have likely seen our last 100-degree day for this summer and have now entered what is likely the best time of year for outdoor activities—the fall. Many who like spending time outdoors agree that fall in the … [Read more...] about Fall is a Great Time to Enjoy the Pool
Top 3 Winter Pool Care Options for for the North Texas Area
Although this is probably the best time of year to use a pool due to milder temperatures, pool water is not as hot, etc., many pool owners have turned their focus to other things such as returning to school, football, camping/hiking, etc. once Labor Day arrived. Even though our average first freeze is not until November 22nd, we have had quite a few pool owners ask about winter pool … [Read more...] about Top 3 Winter Pool Care Options for for the North Texas Area
Your Pool Flooded with the Recent Rain… Now What?
Heavy rain can wreak havoc on swimming pools—by exposing problems such as poor drainage and also by creating problems such as debris in the pool and water chemistry issues. Poor drainage If you have drainage issues, heavy rain can really expose them. The best way to determine if poor drainage exists is to observe the pool area during heavy rain. If poor drainage is an issue which causes rain … [Read more...] about Your Pool Flooded with the Recent Rain… Now What?
Tips for a Great Labor Day Weekend Pool Party
Labor Day weekend is typically a very big weekend for swimming pool parties, probably second only to the July 4th weekend. Before long, we will start having much cooler weather. With that being said, it is typically still very warm over Labor Day weekend, therefore pools will be a great place to be. Following is a checklist to assure that your Labor Day weekend pool party goes as … [Read more...] about Tips for a Great Labor Day Weekend Pool Party
Swimming Pool Safety for Dogs
Many of us at Gohlke Pools are dog lovers. Whether they are our pets or our clients’ pets, we get attached to them and we want them to have the best life possible, especially during the “dog days of summer” (no pun intended). With that being said, with the hot weather that we are currently experiencing, we are getting asked our opinion of whether dogs should be allowed in the family pool. … [Read more...] about Swimming Pool Safety for Dogs
Water Saving Tips for Pool Owners
Fortunately, it hasn’t been a brutally hot summer thus far. We started off with a very wet spring and then it started to get hot, but fortunately we had a cool front or two mixed in. As of this writing, we are at eight 100-degree days, compared to twenty-two at this time last year. Last year we ended up with 55 days of 100-degrees or more, which was much more than our average of 20 days. Although … [Read more...] about Water Saving Tips for Pool Owners