Gohlke Pools Blog
Poolside Landscaping
Pool designers and landscape designers definitely agree on the importance of properly landscaping a pool area—it can really transform a backyard pool area. Oftentimes the only difference between a swimming pool that looks good and one that looks great comes down to the landscaping. As we enter the fall and a prime time to landscape (especially for trees & shrubs), now is a great time to plan … [Read more...] about Poolside Landscaping
Winter After February 2021
We tied for the second coldest temperature on record in DFW with -2 degrees and (if you don’t count the hour that it got above freezing on February 13th) it was also the second-longest consecutive number of hours at or below freezing. With one of the coldest winter snaps on record, we saw very little freeze damage to pools that stayed operating. The extreme temperatures put a significant load on … [Read more...] about Winter After February 2021
Water & Electricity Do Not Mix
One of the trends that we have seen over the past couple of years is string lights, also referred to as bistro lighting or market lighting. While most agree that they are a very good look and provide just enough accent lighting in most situations, most of these lights are 120 volts, which should never be used over a swimming pool due to electrocution dangers. Obviously, electricity and water are … [Read more...] about Water & Electricity Do Not Mix
Drive Safely for Back to School
With school starting for most area school districts this week and next, Denton area roads will be getting much busier. Combine this with the area colleges starting at the end of August, and it can get really hectic around here—especially considering all of the road construction. ☹ While drivers are often in a hurry and looking for ways to optimize their driving time, it is important to remember … [Read more...] about Drive Safely for Back to School
How the Pool Pump Law Changes Affect Your Pool
Remember the 100-watt light bulb? We will be saying the same thing about 2 horsepower pool pumps in the very near future. On average, the pool pump is the second-largest energy consumer in a home behind the HVAC system(s). It is not surprising that pool pumps have been added to the U.S. Department of Energy’s list for minimum energy efficiency standards like refrigerators, washers, and dryers. … [Read more...] about How the Pool Pump Law Changes Affect Your Pool
Swimming Pool Care Tips after the Spring 2021 Rainfall
As can be expected, heavy rain can wreak havoc on swimming pools—by exposing problems such as poor drainage and by creating problems such as debris in the pool and water chemistry issues. Poor drainage If you have drainage issues, heavy rain can really expose them. The best way to determine if poor drainage exists is to observe the pool area during heavy rain. If poor drainage is an issue … [Read more...] about Swimming Pool Care Tips after the Spring 2021 Rainfall
How to Deal with the Chlorine Shortage
How we got here. Over the weekend a lot of the major news outlets decided to report on the pool chlorine shortage our country is facing for this summer. This problem goes back to August 27th, 2020 when Hurricane Laura made landfall in the Lake Charles, LA area. It just so happens that roughly 60% of the nation’s chlorine tablets are manufactured there. The hurricane caused a fire at that … [Read more...] about How to Deal with the Chlorine Shortage
When Will it be Warm Enough to Swim?
Ever since the record cold snap that we had in mid-February, many pool owners have been looking forward to some warmer weather, and we are finally getting some. Although pool water temperatures are still around 70 degrees, it will not be long until we can all comfortably swim. What some consider comfortable might still be too cold for others and vice versa—everyone is different. But following is a … [Read more...] about When Will it be Warm Enough to Swim?