Commercial Pool Code In Denton
Have you ever wondered what the inspector was looking for when your commercial pool was being inspected? As we get closer to the opening of commercial pools in the north Texas area, commercial pool operators are beginning to wonder what the inspectors will be looking for when an inspection is done. Here is a general checklist that should help with the most commonly inspected items.
Water Chemistry/Quality
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*Measured as free available sanitizer using DPD method. Water must be clear, free of debris and algae and the bottom must be visible in the deepest water. Maintain records of daily chemistry checks.
Safety Equipment
- Rescue tube or 15-24” ring buoy with rope; rope length must be 2/3 max. width of pool.
- Life Pole-12ft., non-conducting material with body hook or shepherd’s crook, non-telescopic.
- Backboards (Class A & B; C with diving boards) or if lifeguard present.
- First Aid Kit (Class A & B; recommended for C).
- Phone Accessible (within 200 Ft. of pool)
- Provide Safety equipment for each 2,000 sq. ft. of surface.
Gates & Fencing
Gates must be self-closing and self-latching and:
- Not easily climbable
- Gate latch not accessible
- Gates open away from pool/spa
- Minimum 4 ft. height
- Pool area must be maintained in a sanitary manner
- Chemicals must be properly stored, labeled and used in accordance with label instructions
- Tiles and surfaces must be in good repair and clean.
- Ladders & handrails secure; good repair
- Flow meter and gauges required
- Suction entrapment hazard must be mitigated
- Animals prohibited except service animals
- No glass containers in pool area
- Color coding on pipes required for new; recommended for existing
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Flowmeter, filter inlet & outlet & pump suction gauges required. Place pump suction gauge as close to suction side of pump as possible.
Signs & Warnings
- Load limits posted for spas; recommended for pools
- “No Lifeguard on Duty” signs posted
- Rope & float lines @ shallow-deep water transitions (5ft or deeper)
- Supervision of children by adults required
- “No Diving” warning sign (4” letters)
- Location of phone; Emergency/911 number
Additionally spa signs required:
- Max temperature (104 F)
- Warning for “at risk” persons e.g. pregnant women, those taking certain medications, heart conditions, etc.
Depth Markings/No Diving Signs-pools and spas
Depth Markings
- 4” letters, on deck and sidewall
- Not more than 25 ft. apart, in feet and inches
- Minimum of two signs, placed at max. and min. depth or where shape deviates and depth changes occur
No Diving Warnings
- Mounted on the deck & in pool area (pools)
- Contrasting colors
- 4 inch letters or larger
- Not more than 25 feet apart
- Minimum of two warnings
- Required for water 6 feet or less
- Universal symbol must be used in addition to worded signs.
- Sanitizer not at minimum levels or at excess levels
- Pool clarity or filtration equipment failure
- Suction entrapment or other hazards representing an imminent threat to health and safety of swimmers
Turnover rate:_______gal./min x 60 minutes X 6 turnovers =_________gal. (Turnover/6 hours)
The information contained here is a general check list that many city’s use to inspect a commercial swimming pool. If you have any questions concerning your particular situation please consult with your local health department.
Note: – This information is true and complete to the best of our knowledge, but without guarantee on the part of Gohlke Pool Supply, Inc., and Gohlke Custom Pools, Inc., or on the part of any of its employees who disclaim all liability incurred with the use of this information.