Heating Your Swimming Pool
A typical swim season in Denton easily lasts May thru September. Pool heaters, in this area, can stretch the swim season to 10 months per year, versus 5-6 months without a pool heater. Most pool owners that have heaters use them to take the chill out of the water on those warm days when the water is still too cold. Typically, late December through mid-February are months that even those with heaters do not use them due to the cost of operating them. But there are pools in Denton that are heated and used year-round.
Pool heaters use one of two fuels—natural gas or propane, depending on what is available. Electric heaters are fine for stand-alone spas, but not cost-effective enough to heat an entire swimming pool.
The basic principle of the pool heater is simple. A gas burner tray creates heat. The heat rises through the cabinet of the heater, raising the temperature of the water that is passing through the coils.
Vast improvements have been made to swimming pool heaters over the past several years, which allow them to be more efficient, cost-effective, and reliable. Another reason that contributes to an increase in pool heater sales is the fact that homeowners hate to spend $25,000 to $40,000 on a swimming pool and only be able to use it for six months out of the year.
Cost of a pool heater installed, including a gas line, is typically $1,500-$3,000, depending on the size of the heater, length of gas run, etc. Your local pool professional should be able to help you determine the size of heater and fuel source that would best suit your needs.