Hot Tub Purchasing Tips

Hot tubs have continued to increase in popularity in recent years. There are many reasons for this recent trend, such as:
- Unlike swimming pools, hot tubs can be used year-round.
- Hot tubs take up less space and provide a good alternative to a pool in the smaller backyards of many homes being built today.
- Especially when compared to in-ground swimming pools, hot tubs provide a much more affordable option.
- Soaking in a hot tub is extremely relaxing, and is just about as good as life gets.
With that being said, purchasing a hot tub can be fairly complicated—especially with the differences in quality and price that are currently in the marketplace. In order to help simplify it, we have put together answers to some of the most common questions about hot tub ownership:
What is the difference between a hot tub, a spa, and a Jacuzzi?
Typically, a hot tub is considered portable, as it is a totally self-contained unit that sits above the ground. One of the advantages of a hot tub is that you can move it (much like you move furniture).
When someone refers to the term spa, they are usually referring to an in-ground unit, and it is often part of a pool/spa combination.
Jacuzzi is a company that manufacturers hot tubs and jetted bathtubs. Due to the fact that the Jacuzzi Family manufactured the original hot tub, the term Jacuzzi is sometimes used to refer to a hot tub.
How much does a hot tub cost?
Just like cars, houses, hotels, & restaurants, hot tubs vary in price. Expect to pay $8,000 to nearly $30,000 for a hot tub, depending on brand, quality, size, number of jets, warranty, etc. And just like cars, houses, hotels, & restaurants, quality hot tubs cost more.
How much will operating a hot tub affect my utility bill?
Since most hot tubs are all electric and the water that a hot tub uses is minimal, your electric bill will be the only utility adversely affected by operating a hot tub. Electrical costs to operate a hot tub are approximately $1.00 to $1.50 per day.
Are hot tubs difficult to clean or maintain?
Hot tubs are easy to maintain—in a survey conducted by the Association of Pool & Spa Professionals, 77% of current hot tub owners said they think their hot tubs are easy to clean and maintain. The worst case scenario is simply draining and refilling, which isn’t difficult or costly.
How do I know what type of hot tub to purchase?
There are many different hot tub manufacturers and prices vary for many reasons. Like all products, prices correspond to features, materials used, and overall craftsmanship. It is important to take your time and ask plenty of questions. As with most major purchasing decisions, knowledge is everything and purchasing the dealer instead of the hot tub is probably the best advice. Following are some questions that you should consider when shopping for the hot tub.
The hot tub
How was the hot tub constructed?
How is the seating and loungers configured?
What is the warranty on the shell of the hot tub?
The hot tub equipment, jets, & controls
Are the controls user-friendly?
Do the jets & controls allow you customize what jets are operating?
How loud are the jets & the pumps?
What are the electrical requirements to operate the hot tub?
What is the warranty on the equipment & control system—are there exclusions?
The manufacturer
How long has the manufacturer been in business?
What is their reputation?
How are warranty claims handled?
Is financing available for hot tubs?
Yes it is. Financing offered by banks and finance companies make hot tub ownership possible, allowing you to pay out the purchase of the hot tub over several years.
Hopefully this information helps clarify some of the questions and concerns that you have concerning hot tubs. If you have any further questions or would like to talk about hot tub ownership, contact the DFW Hot Tubs team at (940)384-7665 or via email at service@dfwhottubs.com.