I Promise That Summer Is Coming!
Two weeks ago I announced, based on many years of weather records and 50 years on this planet, that the cold weather was behind us and that pool season was near. I really believed that we had seen the last of temperatures in the 30’s, but I was wrong. I really shouldn’t be that surprised as the latest freeze on record is April 13th, but that was way back in 1957. Although it doesn’t appear (cross your fingers) that we will break the record this year, we did get close to freezing this week.
Okay—I will announce it again—swim season is near! With the Masters Golf Tournament occurring this weekend, there is no turning back. I look at this golf tournament as the official beginning of spring. Another big event that will soon be here is our Annual Big Sale—which occurs April 18th-21st. It will be a great time and a great opportunity for pool owners to purchase your pool supplies at the lowest prices of the year.
Before long we will be complaining about the hot weather and longing for weather in the 30’s and 40’s. If you are a pool owner—I would encourage you to begin preparing your pool as it appears that swim season will be here soon. If we can help you in any way, give us a call at (940) 384-7665.
We hope to see you at our Annual Big Sale on April 18-21!