Now What? How to Deal with The Super Bowl Week Freeze
It has been a very long time since it has been this cold for this many days. I have heard the mid 1990’s and I have heard the late 1980’s, but regardless—it has been awhile.
During weather like this, it is very important that either the pool equipment be drained or the equipment be operating to prevent damage. If your pool equipment was not drained or the pump was not on—the water will freeze inside the plumbing, pump, filter, and heater. We all know that when water freezes, it expands, which is what causes the damage to plumbing, pumps, filters, and heaters.
As far as any other freeze damage—to the pool structure or to underground plumbing—it will probably be minimal.
The damage won’t be known until the weather warms up and the thaw begins. If you notice any leaks at the pool equipment area after the thaw, please let us know and we will schedule a time to make the repairs. Our phone number is (940) 384-7665.
Before the freeze occurred, we sent out an informational email to all of our customers who are on our email list—explaining what they need to do to prevent freeze damage. If you would like to be added to this list, which is used to inform you and not to sell you, please let us know. If you didn’t get the informational email about the potential for freeze damage and would like to have it, the information follows:
Upcoming Freeze Alert
Looks like some cold weather is on it’s way – save yourself from expensive repairs due to freeze damage. Below are things to check before the cold weather gets here:
- Make sure your main pool pump is functional and is running whenever freezing weather occurs. Most pool pump timers/controls use a freeze guard to accomplish this. If the pump doesn’t automatically kick on, you will need to manually run it whenever the air temperature is 32 degrees or below.
- Drain waterfall and auxiliary pumps or make sure they are running as well when it is freezing. If you have a booster pump for a cleaner, do not worry about running it or draining it – the main pump will keep water circulating through it.
- Check your fill lines. If they are exposed, they will need to be drained and possibly covered to protect them from the freezing weather.
- Make sure you keep your skimmer baskets and pump baskets clean. Also make sure your filter has been backwashed or cleaned recently. Reduced water flow caused by dirty baskets and/or the filter can increase the chance of freeze damage to your equipment.