Pool Season is Near!
Pool season is near! Hopefully the last freeze of the winter is behind us, and the odds say that it is. According to Pete Delkus, the average last freeze in the DFW area is March 13th and the latest last freeze on record being April 13th. With no freezing temperatures forecast in the 10 day forecast, it looks like we might be done with cold weather. Many north Texans have already planted the gardens and many plants are blooming.
April is typically a great weather month for the north Texas area—typically highs in the mid to high 70’s and lows in the mid to high 50’s. If you are a pool owner—I would encourage you to begin preparing your pool as it appears that swim season will be here soon. If you are not a pool owner and are interested in being one—now is the time to start! If we can help you in any way, give us a call at (940) 384-7665.