Poolife Application Overview
Our Recommended Chlorine System

Gohlke Pools has been very successful using Poolife’s Once-A-Week 3-Step Program. This system is very easy to use and uses a minimum amount of chlorine in conjunction with low levels of algaecide. There are certainly other ways to chlorinate, but we have found the following to be mosteffective and efficient.
Step 1 – NST Prime/MPT Extra
We recommend one of two tablet options for the first step in our 3-step program. Tablets provide your pool a steady source of chlorine, which acts as a sanitizer for your pool water: ensuring that it is clean, clear, and safe for swimmers.
NST Prime: Poolife’s NST Prime is a non-stabilized chlorine tablet, which means that unlike traditional trichlor tablets, they will not contribute to your cyanuric acid level (i.e. stabilizer or CYA level). High CYA levels can cause your water to become too corrosive, and will also prevent your chlorine from effectively doing its job. NST Prime is an excellent way to maintain a chlorine residual without having to worry about climbing CYA levels.
MPT Extra: MPT Extra is an enhanced version of traditional trichlor tablets. These stabilized tablets also include ingredients that will help prevent algae, staining & scaling, and will aid in water clarification. Unlike the NST Prime tablets, these tablets do contain cyanuric acid, and will cause your stabilizer levels to slowly increase. With proper monitoring of your CYA level, these are an excellent way to maintain a stable chlorine level while also keeping your water clear and your pool algae-free.
Weekly Application Rate – For both NST Prime and MPT Extra each tablet can treat approximately 5,000 gallons of pool water. It is important to ensure that you are dissolving whichever tablet variety you have chosen in the appropriate fashion. MPT Extra can be dissolved using any floater or tablet feeder designed to dissolve trichlor tablets. NST Prime must be dissolved in either an NST In-Line Tablet Feeder or an NST Tablet Floater.
Step 2 – TurboShock
Turboshock is the most concentrated granular or powdered chlorine in Poolife’s product line. It is used to oxidize waste, kill algae, and clarify your pool water. Its special formulation enables it to dissolve much faster than ordinary granular chlorine. Typically it will dissolve into solution within 2 hours, while other granular forms of chlorine can take up to 6 or 8 hours to completely dissolve. This means you can keep your pool clean and clear without having to plan your weekend or swim sessions around maintaining your pool water.
Weekly Application Rate – Broadcast directly into the pool at a rate of one pound per 10,000 gallons of pool water. Ensure your pool pump is running at the time of application.
Step 3 – Defend+
Defend+ is a unique, multi-functional, non-foaming algaecide AND clarifier that not only treats and prevents green, black and mustard algae, but also clarifies pool water.
Weekly Application Rate – Apply 1 oz. per 5,000 gallons of pool water weekly. Make sure the pump is operating and pour the Defend+ around the pool’s perimeter.
Endure is a unique product formulated to “optimize” the performance of all the chemicals in the water. With Endure, augmenting the Once-A-Week 3-Step System, the customer will realize:
Clear and sparkling Caribbean blue water
Smooth and gentle feeling water decreases skin and eye irritation
Enhances sanitizer performance and helps prevent algae
Helps protect equipment and pool surfaces
Improved chemical efficiency — lower operating costs
Application Rate
The ideal range of Endure is 30-50. This is something we suggest having us test every 3 months to adjust as needed. 1 lb. per 1,000 gallons increases Endure level 17 ppm. Pour directly into the pool.
If you follow the above recommended application amounts and keep the pH in the proper range, you will be successful in your quest for a beautiful, safe pool.
The information provided here is true and complete to the best of our knowledge, but without guarantee on the part of Gohlke Pool Supply, Inc., and Gohlke Custom Pools, Inc., or on the part of any of its employees who disclaim all liability incurred with the use of this information. – Always follow label directions and manufacturer’s instructions for each product used.