Pool Maintenance
Maintenance Options!
Gohlke Pools offers a variety of maintenance services that include the following:
- Weekly Pool Maintenance
- Vacation Cleanings
- Drain & Cleans
- One-Time Pool Restorations
Weekly Pool Maintenance
We offer both chemical only and full-service weekly maintenance plans.
Chemicals Only
- Test and balance the water weekly
- Empty out skimmer baskets, pump basket, and automatic cleaner bag
- Backwashing (when applicable)
- Test and balance the water weekly
- Empty out skimmer baskets, pump basket, and automatic cleaner bag
- Backwashing (when applicable)
- Vacuum (dirt or leaf) when needed
- Brush down steps, walls, tile line
- Net any debris out of the pool
With both services you will receive a picture of your pool as well as a report on the water chemistry after each visit! We will also have one of our route supervisors stop by once a month for a quality control check at no additional cost. During that visit they will double check the water chemistry, backwash (when applicable), and test all equipment to ensure everything is working properly.
Vacation Cleanings
If you are ever out of town for a short period of time we can stop by and take care of your pool so you don’t have to worry about it!
One-Time Restorations/Drain & Cleans
Planning to take care of your pool yourself but need a hand getting it cleared up first? We also offer one-time restorations and drain & cleans.