Sun Protection
Although this information is a bit later in the summer that it should be, maybe it will help you prevent sunburn for the remainder of the summer—especially over Labor Day weekend, which is one of the busiest swim days of the year.
Sunscreen is rated by SPF, which stands for Sun Protective Factor. The higher the SPF, the longer the sun protection. Applying the sunscreen thoroughly and liberally is the key. Many times we overlook the fact that we need a waterproof sunscreen for use in pools or if we are perspiring. This is a very important consideration and must be taken into account when selecting the correct sunscreen. Men with thinning hair should be extremely careful and apply sunscreen liberally to the top of the head or wear a hat. Sunscreen should also be applied to the top of the ears even when wearing a hat. Lips are another very sensitive area that should not be overlooked. Many people tend to develop dry skin with repeated exposure to the sun and water. In the past few years pool chemicals have been developed that actually help maintain your skin’s moisture. If you prefer not to go this route, moisturizers are available that can help relieve your dry skin.
Hopefully this information will help you in your quest for protection from the sun.