Wow! Pool Season is Near…no its Here!
I am not sure whether it is the above-average temperatures that we are experiencing in the north Texas area or the fact that our local school districts had spring break this week—but all that I can say is WOW! It has been very busy this week—and if the number of phone calls and walk-in customers is any indication of what is to come this spring and summer, the future looks bright for outdoor activities.
I wondered if it was just us—so I called two of my peers who are also in the pool industry—one in Dallas and one in Fort Worth—and they experienced the same thing—an almost overwhelming amount of business this past week.
Does one week of this type of business activity mean that the economy is on the rebound? I am not sure, but I do like the positivity that I am seeing.
If you are a pool owner—I would encourage you to begin preparing your pool as it appears that swim season will come a bit earlier this year. If you are not a pool owner and are interested in being one—now is the time! If we can help you in any way, give us a call at (940) 384-7665.