Archives for 2015
Is Your Pool Water & Pool Area Getting Too Hot?
Although thus far it has been a very mild summer thus far, it is beginning to get hot as it typically does this time of year. Traditionally one of the solutions to dealing with the summer heat is the cool enjoyment that a swimming pool can provide. That is not always possible in August – as pool water tends to heat up, oftentimes past the point of being refreshing. Most swimmers … [Read more...] about Is Your Pool Water & Pool Area Getting Too Hot?
It Is Going To Be a Great Summer!
The Rain What an interesting (and wet) spring that we have had—it has been a record breaker! In April, we received much more rain than normal, but then the record-breaking May arrived. Now that the rain appears to be over for a while, let’s look back on it. In May, it rained 24 out of 30 days for a total of 16.96” of rain. It was the most rain that we have received in May since records have … [Read more...] about It Is Going To Be a Great Summer!
School Is Out For the Summer!
Graduation time is here and this group of high school seniors will now prepares to enter the next chapter of their lives. Although I remember high school graduation and the mixed emotions that I had, I have nothing but great memories of the feeling of freedom that the last day of school would bring on an annual basis. There is nothing in adulthood that can compare with the feeling of freedom that … [Read more...] about School Is Out For the Summer!
Treatment for Brown Pool Due to Recent Flooding
Due to the recent flooding that the Denton area has experienced, some pools have turned brown. Depending on the severity of the problem, in some cases it might be necessary to drain and refill the pool. But we have found that in most cases, the following treatment will solve the problem. Recommended Treatment for Chlorine and Saltwater Pools: Adjust pH to approximately 7.2 and maintain the pH … [Read more...] about Treatment for Brown Pool Due to Recent Flooding
Enjoy Your Memorial Day Weekend
Memorial Day weekend is coming up and is traditionally considered the beginning of swim season. If you are the pool owner, hopefully by now your plans are in place for this weekend – the yard is mowed, the food is planned, the guests are invited, and the pool is ready! Following are some last minute tips to assure that your Memorial Day weekend will be an enjoyable one. Be sure that … [Read more...] about Enjoy Your Memorial Day Weekend
Pool Heaters
With the rainy April and cooler than usual weather that we have been experiencing, pool water is not as warm as it typically is by mid-May. Average water temperatures in the Denton area are in the low to mid 70’s. Although according to the National Oceanographic Data Center, 70-78 degrees is where most people feel comfortable swimming. I have found that a water temperature of 70-78 is a bit cold … [Read more...] about Pool Heaters
Spring is in the Air
With the first day of spring being Friday, March 20th—spring is definitely in the air. While none of us know what the weather will be between now and the end of summer, we can be confident that it will warm up soon and beautiful weather is ahead of us. The Old Farmer’s Almanac forecasts the following for the next few months for the DFW area: APRIL 2015: temperature 69° (3° above avg.); … [Read more...] about Spring is in the Air
Winter is Finally in the Rear View Mirror
We are right in the middle of the Spring Break period—many area school districts had the break this past week (March 9-13) and other school districts are having this coming week (March 16-20). Both the 10 day forecast and history tells us that we have likely seen the final freeze of the winter. You might remember last winter when we following weather terms were popular—“polar vortex”, “thunder … [Read more...] about Winter is Finally in the Rear View Mirror