Archives for 2021
How the Pool Pump Law Changes Affect Your Pool
Remember the 100-watt light bulb? We will be saying the same thing about 2 horsepower pool pumps in the very near future. On average, the pool pump is the second-largest energy consumer in a home behind the HVAC system(s). It is not surprising that pool pumps have been added to the U.S. Department of Energy’s list for minimum energy efficiency standards like refrigerators, washers, and dryers. … [Read more...] about How the Pool Pump Law Changes Affect Your Pool
Swimming Pool Care Tips after the Spring 2021 Rainfall
As can be expected, heavy rain can wreak havoc on swimming pools—by exposing problems such as poor drainage and by creating problems such as debris in the pool and water chemistry issues. Poor drainage If you have drainage issues, heavy rain can really expose them. The best way to determine if poor drainage exists is to observe the pool area during heavy rain. If poor drainage is an issue … [Read more...] about Swimming Pool Care Tips after the Spring 2021 Rainfall
How to Deal with the Chlorine Shortage
How we got here. Over the weekend a lot of the major news outlets decided to report on the pool chlorine shortage our country is facing for this summer. This problem goes back to August 27th, 2020 when Hurricane Laura made landfall in the Lake Charles, LA area. It just so happens that roughly 60% of the nation’s chlorine tablets are manufactured there. The hurricane caused a fire at that … [Read more...] about How to Deal with the Chlorine Shortage
When Will it be Warm Enough to Swim?
Ever since the record cold snap that we had in mid-February, many pool owners have been looking forward to some warmer weather, and we are finally getting some. Although pool water temperatures are still around 70 degrees, it will not be long until we can all comfortably swim. What some consider comfortable might still be too cold for others and vice versa—everyone is different. But following is a … [Read more...] about When Will it be Warm Enough to Swim?
Why Does It Take So Long to Get a Pool Built Right Now?
In our 63 years in business, we have never seen such a misalignment of supply and demand of swimming pools. The demand for swimming pool construction right now far exceeds the supply. As a result, pool construction is taking much longer than it ever has. Pool construction projects that used to take from 8-12 weeks from the first meeting to swimming are now taking at least twice that long. Why is … [Read more...] about Why Does It Take So Long to Get a Pool Built Right Now?
Pool Season Is Rapidly Approaching
Believe it or not, we were having a mild winter until the great freeze of February occurred. At that point, we had had only had 8 days at or above freezing. But all of that starting changing on February 9th when it hit freezing and didn’t let up for 12 days, reaching a low of -1 on February 16th, which is one of the few times in the last 125 years that it has been below zero. These low … [Read more...] about Pool Season Is Rapidly Approaching
The Perfect Storm—Why the Pool Industry is Experiencing Delays
Oxford Languages online dictionary defines a perfect storm as “a particular bad or critical state of affairs, arising from a number of negative and unpredictable factors.” In a nutshell, that is exactly what has happened to the pool industry to cause the delays. The confluences that have caused the delays that the pool industry is currently experiencing is the shortage of skilled craftsmen, … [Read more...] about The Perfect Storm—Why the Pool Industry is Experiencing Delays
How to Select a Contractor
There are many very good contractors in the area, but there are others who are not reputable and likely do not have the knowledge and/or financial resources necessary to be a contractor. Unfortunately, the growth in the area is resulting in unqualified contractors entering the market. Currently, there is much more work than there are contractors to do the work. This combined with the fact that the … [Read more...] about How to Select a Contractor