Loving This Great Summer Weather!
What a great weather week we have just had—nighttime temperatures in the low 60’s and highs in the high 80’s/low 90’s with low humidity! Although I would bet that we have 100 degree temperatures ahead of us, thus far it has been great weather, with just two days over 100.
Just how many more days over 100 degrees can we expect to have?
Obviously, no one knows, but we average 17, but we have had as few a 0 (1906 & 1973) and as many as 71 (2011). To remind you—last summer (2012), we had 34 days over 100 degrees. August is typically our hottest month, with July next and September & June just behind. Therefore the hottest weather of the summer is likely ahead.
Current water temperatures
With the mild weather that we had this past week, pool water temperatures are lower than last summer at this time. Most pools are in the 85-90 degree range, while last year at this time many pools were in the low to mid 90’s. I imagine that hot weather is ahead—but so far I am loving it!
Below is what I believe is a good explanation as to why.
We have some major changes occurring in the worldwide weather pattern which will have a significant effect on North Texas over the next several months through the end of the year. Even though we’ve seen a recent surge of triple digit heat across the Dallas/Fort Worth area, this isn’t a sign of things to come based on some of the long range signals.