Mesh Pool Covers
Installing a mesh cover on your swimming pool is an option that has increased in popularity in the Denton area in recent years. This is due to the oak trees having made pool care in the fall such a chore. Following is some information on mesh covers that might be helpful in determining if it is the best winter pool care option for your pool.
Mesh covers allow water to pass through but catch debris such as leaves. If the pool equipment is winterized (drained) and chemicals are not added periodically, the pool will be fairly dirty and green by the end of winter—this is due to the untreated water that enters through the pool cover. If it is understood that it is best to run the equipment and add chemicals periodically, then this type of cover is an excellent choice, especially if leaves are a problem and safety is a concern.
Following are the suggested steps for covering a pool with a mesh cover:
1) Clean and Prepare Pool – Covering a dirty pool is like sweeping dirt under the rug. It will just fester and return to haunt you later. If you leave the pool sparkling clean by following the next few steps, there is a higher probability you will find it as you left it when spring arrives.
A. Vacuum pool and thoroughly clean pump basket and skimmer baskets.
B. Remove ladders and any other obstruction to the mesh cover.
2) Chemically treat the water – When covering a pool with a mesh cover, it is critical that you begin with the proper water balance. If using Baquacil or Softswim, follow their winterizing plan – do not add chlorine.
A. Take your pool water to a pool store for a thorough analysis.
B. Adjust the pH to 7.4.
C. Add a preventative algaecide to your pool per label directions.
D. Superchlorinate pool using granular chlorine.
E. Every 2 to 4 weeks pull part of the cover back, test the water, and add chemicals as needed.
3) Cover the pool – Take your time covering the pool as it will be there for several months and a good fit helps assure the cover will stay in place.
A. Stretch cover over pool while anchoring cover to deck.
B. After several days, adjust and straighten cover by adjusting straps.
4) Running the pool equipment – We recommend running the pool pump 1-2 hours per day and running the automatic cleaner for 30 minutes to 1 hour per day to keep the pool clean. The pump must run continually when the temperature is freezing to prevent freeze damage.
It is very important to check the pool water level every two weeks and add water as needed. If the water level gets below the skimmer it can damage the pump motor.
Should you have any questions about mesh pool covers or other winter pool care options—give us a call at (940) 387-7521.