Upcoming Pool Schools
As a service to pool owners in the DFW area, we provide the following seminars.
Pool School
This is a great opportunity for you to learn how to properly maintain your pool saving you time and money.
Topics include:
- Basic Pool Operation and Terminology
- Basic Equipment Maintenance
- Water Chemistry
- Algae Prevention
- Basic Troubleshooting
Upcoming seminar dates: June 8th, July 13th, August 10th, September 14th, & November 16th. (All are Saturdays and all are at 10am)
Length of seminar: approximately one hour
Registration required: call (940) 384-7665
Basic POLARIS POOL cleaner repairs
Having Polaris Pool Cleaner problems and want to learn how to make repairs to it? This one hour class will help you solve the common Polaris problems such as:
- Not cleaning the entire pool
- Hanging up on steps or benches
- Sweep hose spraying your windows
- Sweep hose being sucked into the vacuum tube
- Running sluggish—less power than normal
- Hose gets tangled
- Staying suspended in the pool and not making contact with the bottom of the pool
This class will teach you how to solve these Polaris problems plus others. Feel free to bring your Polaris cleaner with you to this class.
Upcoming seminar dates: June 22nd, July 27th, August 24th, October 12th, & December 14th. (All are Saturdays and all are at 10am)
Length of seminar: approximately one hour
Registration required: call (940) 384-7665